Grade 6

For Mondays quiz, I'll be assessing your knowledge of er verbs. Can you use them correctly in a sentence? Do you know the meanings of the most common er verbs we've been using in class? Here is an example of a conjugated verb:


je danse          nous dansons
tu danses        vous dansez
il danse           ils dansent

Notice we dropped the ER ending and added the following endings: e, es, e, ons, ez, ent

If I gave you the following question...

Nous ____________ français. (parler)

I want you to put "parler" in the sentence. If you look at the way I conjugated DANSER you will see that the ending that follows nous is ONS and so the answer would be...

Nous parlons français.

We have also talked about using the negative. Je NE danse PAS. Remember that ne goes before the verb and PAS goes after. I will ask you to take some sentences and write them in the negative.

Finally, I introduced asking questions in French based on our ER verb sentences. The first way we talked about forming a question was using intonation. That just involves adding a question mark instead of a period and changing the way it sounds. The TONE of our voice. The other way we talked about was the phrase "est-ce que". We can change any statement into a question by adding that phrase to the beginning of the sentence.

Tu danses. (statement)
Tu danses? (intonation)
Est-ce que tu danses? (est-ce que)

Follow the link below to work on your pronunciation for weather and seasons. - Food - Matching Game - rags to Riches er verb practice

Quiz on Wednesday...

Les fruits, les légumes, la table

une forchette
une nappe
une serviette
le sel
le poivre
une assiette
un bol
un couteau
une cuillère
un verre
une tasse

A fun video about Une Baguette!

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