Monday, April 30, 2012

Grade 5 Guess Who in French

Today we played Guess Who in French. It's a guessing game where we try to figure out who our partner has chosen by asking yes or no questions about the way they look. It helped us practice the verb Avoir, turning statements into questions, and adjectives. Here's a lesson on TES for any Language teachers who would like to use this in their classes. You'll have to create a free account first. I printed out 15 copies of the 4th slide for my class and lamenated them. We wrote down all the necessary vocabulary and practiced it the class before we played. If you can't get the lesson through the link just google the phrase "guess who in french" and click the TES link.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grade 4 Immersion / STEM Lesson

The fourth grade will be working on a Science based French immersion lesson. Today we created newspaper pots for our seeds and planted lettuce, tomatoes, peas, and poppies. We will be watching closely for signs of "la vie" and when we spot something we will record our findings in French!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

French 5 - Forming the negative - Listen to the paragraph we worked on in class and practice reading along with the text. We will be reading aloud when we return to school after the break.

Homework sentences: Please turn the following sentences into "the negative".

1. Je mange le pizza.
2. Je chante dans la douche.
3. Je danse.
4. Je parle français.
5. Je travaille beaucoup.

Watch the video below if you are having trouble remembering how it is done.