Grade 4

We are learning the vocabulary for woodland animals. Along with a variety of worksheets and classroom games, we found images of the animals and drew or pasted them into our notebooks to help us memorize the new vocabulary.

Our theme this semester is La Famille! Our first quiz will be on the vocabulary from the first few classes. Here is the list we copied...

la demi-soeur
le demi frere
la belle-mere
le beau-pere
l'enfant unique
la mere
le pere
le bebe
la grand-pere
la grand-mere
la famille
la tante
le cousin
la cousine
le chat
le chien
le fils
la fille
le mari
la femme
les enfants
le neveu
la niece
le petit-fils
la petite-fille

We are also describing our families and talking about the things we like to do together. here is the list of activities we have covered. They will also be on the quiz.

jouer au futbol
faire du ski
regarder le television
jouer aux cartes
faire les promenades
aller au parc
ecouter la musique

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